As you think, so you are
As you are, so you act
As you act, so you attain
I am hereby presenting the summarization of a great book named, ‘ AS A MAN THINKETH’ by JAMES ALLEN.
Author says, as a plant cannot spring out without seed, in the same way every act of human springs from the hidden seed of thoughts and could not have appeared without them. And this applies to every act of human, either executed deliberately or acted unknowingly (spontaneously/ unpremeditated).
These are only the thoughts which make us. If anyone have evil thoughts, pain comes on him as the wheel behind the ox. And if one endures the purity of thought, joy follows him as his own shadow. Man is made or unmade by himself only. In the armory of his thoughts he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. Also he develops the tool by which he builds a heavenly mansion of joy, strength and peace for himself. By the right choice and true application of thoughts, he ascends to the divine perfection. And by abuse or wrong application of thoughts, he descends below the level of beast.
As a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds and growing fruits and flowers. In the same way, our mind is like that garden where a man needs to cultivate pure thoughts (fruits and flowers) along with weeding out the impure thoughts (weeds). And this process should be continuous, everyday one needs to cultivate his mind and thoughts, as left for a single day may give chance for the weeds to come out. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the MASTER GARDENER OF HIS SOUL; the DIRECTOR OF HIS LIFE; MASTER OF HIS THOUGHTS; the MOLDER OF HIS CHARACTER; the MAKER and SHAPER OF HIS CONDITIONS, ENVIRONMENT and DESTINY. He also reveals within himself, the flaws of thoughts and understands with the ever increasing accuracy, how the thoughts forces and helps in shaping the character, circumstances and the destiny of the person.
As only by much searching and mining, golds and diamonds are found, in the same way, only by much searching and working on the thoughts, a person can master his soul and thus master his life. Every thought sown in the mind knowingly or unknowingly will sooner or later produce its own fruitage. Good thoughts bear good fruits and bad thoughts bear bad thoughts. Every outer circumstance are the results of the inner thoughts only. As the reaper of his own thoughts man learns both suffering and bliss.
It is not surprising , if a pure minded person commits a crime by stress of any mere external circumstances. The criminal thought have long been secretly fostered in his mind and heart, the hour of opportunity revealed its gathered power. Circumstances does not makes a person, it only reveals it to himself. He does not get what he wants or prays for, but only gets what he harmonizes with his thoughts and actions. ‘Fighting against circumstances’ only mean that a person is revolting against an effect without working on the cause (thoughts). A man cannot directly choose his circumstances but he can choose his thoughts and so indirectly yet surely shape his circumstances.
Our body is the servant of our mind, it solely obeys the operations of mind, whether they are deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. Change in diet will not help a person who will not change their thoughts. When a person makes his thought pure, he no longer desires for impure food.
To become strong, one needs to put away aimlessness and weakness, and start to begin to think with purpose and recognise the failure as one of the pathway to success. What a person achieves and fails to achieve are all the results of their thoughts only.
The universe does not favor the greedy, dishonest, vicious, although on the mere surface it may appear to do so, but actually it only helps the honest, magnanimous and virtuous. Cherish your visions, cherish your ideals, cherish the music that stir in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewel of wisdom. It is the result of long and patienceful effort in self-control and self-purification. A person becomes calm when he starts to understand himself as a thought evolved being.
No doubt our mind is full of uncontrolled passion, ungoverned grief, anxiety, uncleared doubts and what not. But only a wise man, who has controlled and purified his thoughts, can make the wind and the storm of the soul obey him.
“In the ocean of life, the isles of blessedness are smiling and the sunny shores of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hands firmly upon the helm of thought. In the core of your soul reclines the commanding master; he does but sleep, wake him. Self control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. Say unto your heart – PEACE, BE STILL!“
So, this is the beautiful summary of the beautiful book ‘AS A MAN THINKETH’ by JAMES ALLEN. For more summaries keep tuned to this website. And if you want the summary of any book feel free to comment below, would love to read.