Ram Navami, the day when Lord Rama was born, holds a special place in Hindu culture. This day is marked by, people worshipping Lord Rama, even many people practice fasting in order to showcase their faith on Lord Rama. But, there is a section of people, who celebrate this day by clamoring ‘Shri Ram’, ‘Bhagwadhari’, and what not.
Well, I am not against if people show their love for Lord Rama in these ways, each of us are different and we have our own way of expressing our thoughts and feelings, but, I get disturbed due to the fact that these clamoring people actually don’t practice the teaching of Lord Rama (obviously, exceptions are always there). So is it worthed to just clamor ‘Bharat ka bachha bachha jai shree Ram bolega’ and actually not preaching our ‘bachhas’ to lead a life like Shri Ram? A big question! Do ponder over it.
Having said this, many will now come and open up ‘morcha’ against me, saying, I am against Hinduism, I am anti- Hindu and anti- National, I should be ashamed of being Hindu, I am ‘Jihadi’, I against our culture, I am atheist, and what not, sayers always have something to blame upon, but never do will they talk about the logic and the facts, because logic and facts are just opposite to their rigid believes.
Well, before I get to listen these things, I would like to clarify the fact that, I am proud of our native, our culture, our heritage, our history, our language, our diversity. In no way, I would disgrace our culture and history.
The reason, I am here is to make the society aware of the ethics and values which, the great Ramayana, has brought to us and which is lost somewhere in the competition of ‘showing to others’.
Ramayana, whether it’s a history or mythology, I would not go into this debate. But, as far as my views are considered, I believe that it’s our history, and even today, scientists are researching for more prominent evidences. But, whatever it may be, it conveys to us an inspiring story, in which there is a lesson which is to be learnt from it’s each and every character. And this is the thing which should be valued the most, rather than fighting on religions. We should not differentiate between the religions. Everyone should try to learn from the ethics and values which Ramayana teaches us, and not only learn, incorporate them in our lives.
The teachings are –
1. Respect for parents – Shri Rama, had the option to deny the judgement made my his mother, Kayekeyi of sending him to ‘Vanvas’. But, he respected his father’s vow, and mother’s wish. He took all the pain, just to fulfill his parents’ words.
2. Love for siblings – Laxmana, was in no way required acompany his brother to forest, he could have sat back seeing his brother taking the pain, but he refused to be an audience, he supported his brother all the way in the tough journey of 14 years, and even during the whole life.
Bharatha, had the golden opportunity, to take throne of Ayodhya, but he knew, that place was meant for his brother, we waited 14 long years for his brother to return and take the throne, and he himself led a normal life, leaving behind the royal palace, just for his brother. He could have taken the throne and led a ‘Rajshi’ life but he chose to be true and loyal brother. He fought with his own mother for sending his brother to forest.
3. Being a true partner – Both Shri Rama and Mata Sita, conveyed the message of being a true partner. Mata Sita, accompanied Lord Rama during his ‘Vanvas’, took all the pain to support him, inspite of being used to royal lifestyle, she agreed to lead a miserable life of forest.
Lord Rama did every possible thing to bring his wife back from the imprissionment of Ravana. Even Mata Sita, waited for her husband to come and free her. Both showed an extraordinary level of love and patience.
4. Raise above caste and creed – Shabri, who belonged to a lower caste, used to pick the best quality berries everyday, in the hope that one day Shri Rama would come in her hut. She devoted all her life while waiting for Shri Rama, and he did came, and by eating her leftover berries (which she has tasted in order to offer him the best berries) showed that love, respect, humanity and devotion is far beyond the caste and creed.
5. Love for friend and devotee – Hanumana, Sugriva, Jamvanta, and the entire Vanar sena, had no profit in helping Shri Rama find and get back Mata Sita, but they did helped him selflessly, putting their lives at risk, this showed what a true friendship and what a true devotee is. And in return, Lord Rama gave them equal respect and honour.
6. Humility – At the swayamvar of Mata Sita, King Janaka had put a challenge for the mighty Prince and Kings to break the bow of Lord Shiva, everyone failed but Shri Rama succeeded because he had humility not the ego of his strengths, he bowed in front of the bow in order to show respect to Lord Shiva and his Dhanusha.
Hanumana, even though being so powerful, had humility and devotion to devote his entire life for Sri Rama and in his service.
7. Patience – While discussing about Ramayana, we majorly focus on the life of Sri Rama and Mata Sita, who showed a great amount of patience during their life.
But, rarely do we talk about Urmila, wife of Laxmana, the level of patience she showed was beyond words. Why should a wife live without her husband, and that too because of his husband being busy serving his brother? In these days, this seems just like impossible. No wife would tolerate this. But she did, she understood the love between the brothers, she understood the responsibility she had as a daughter-in-law, she understood the responsibility of being the wife of a Prince. She waited till her husband fulfilled his duties.
8. Respect for a woman – Even though Ravana kidnapped Mata Sita, in order to take revenge for his sister, Surpnakha, never did he tried to break the dignity. He imprisoned Mata Sita, but did took care that she did not face any difficulty living there. He respected the imaginary boundary made by Mata Sita with ‘tinka’, and never crossed it, though he might have, because no one was as powerful as him there.
9. Ego is the enemy – Even being, so knowledgeable and mighty that he alone was able to shake the entire Kailash parvat, Ravana was engrossed in ego of his power, which finally lef to his and his family’s dismiss.
10. Following the path of righteousness – The entire vanar sena, even though having no benifit from the war between Shri Rama and Ravana, they took the side of righteousness and shed their lives in the war.
Vibhishana, inspite of being the brother of Ravana, he took the side of righteousness, which even led to him be called anti-nationalist, but he took that tag and still supported the right.
11. Motivating others – When Hanumana, was required to cross the ocean to search for Mata Sita, and he has forgotten about his mighty powers, Jamvanta, come in and motivated Hanumana and made him recapitulate his powers.
12. Being focused while overcoming obstacles – While crossing the ocean to search for Mata Sita, Hanumana got encountered with a number of demons, he was even forced to get into the stomach of one of the demon so as to satisfy her hunger, but he remained focused and overcame all the obstacles and ultimately got the place where Ravana had imprisoned Mata Sita.
13. Where there is a will there is a way – While heading towards Lanka, Ram Sena had to crossed the huge ocean but crossing such a huge ocean for such a huge team seem quite difficult, Shri Rama then prayed and urged the ocean to give them the way, and finally after a long prayer, ocean suggested them to make a bridge using rocks and stones, and the rocks having the name of Shri Rama written on it, literally floated over the ocean instead of getting sunk (which is still a mystery, and researches are still on). This proved that, if you have that will power, nature will come up against all the odds to guide you and make you successful.
14. If your intentions are for the good and you don’t have people to support you, start alone, you will get people along your side as you move ahead – When Mata Sita was kidnapped, Shri Rama and Lakshmana, were all alone the forest, they were clueless where to start from, but the only thing that mattered for them was to get Mata Sita back, so they just started their search instead of pondering over their weakness. As they started, one by one people started to join his team (first Jatayu, then Hanumana, then, Sugriva, and so on).
15. If you are weak but determined enough, power will come to you – Jatayu when saw Ravana kidnapping Mata Sita, instead of being weaker than Ravana, he collected all his courage and fought till his last breath, to free Mata Sita, though he was not successful, but he fought and even lost his life for the sake of righteousness.
Well, these are just few of the millions of lessons which could be learnt from the great Ramayana.
Let’s try and incorporate the values in our lives so that, our lives get better and the society get better. If you really want to respect Shri Rama, then learn from him and his life, don’t just fight in the name of him, it will only add disgrace to his mighty personality.